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Spectrum Camera Solutions

EnBra Group and Spectrum Marine Cameras

Spectrum Camera Solutions with EnBra Group to Showcase Explosion Proof Camera Technology at Navalshore Conference 2024 August 20-August 22

Spectrum Camera Solutions is pleased to partner with EnBra Group to exhibit at Navalshore Maritime Industry Fair and Conference 2024. We will be showcasing our latest in explosion proof technology for explosion proof cameras for hazardous areas. We look forward to seeing you all there.

Welcome to the leading shipbuilding, rigs and maintenance event in Latin America!

Navalshore is the premier business platform for finding innovations and connecting with the South American maritime community.

The event is the meeting point for the naval industry that brings together national and international shipowners, shipyards, manufacturers and suppliers in one place!

  • Top 5 reasons to exhibit at Navalshore
  • Business opportunity with more than 7,000 highly qualified professionals
  • Find the main national and international shipyards and shipowners
  • Stand out among the main brands in the naval sector
  • Make direct contact with decision makers
  • Launch products and services and increase your visibility

ABOUT Navalshore:
They are the largest fair in the shipbuilding industry in Latin America.

Navalshore has been held since 2004 in Rio de Janeiro. In 15 editions, it is responsible for exhibiting more than 3,000 brands of products and services suppliers for the shipbuilding industry worldwide, promoting business and development partnerships. A total audience of over 130,000 people has already attended the fair, bringing together professionals, businessmen and representatives of the government.

Parallel to the fair, at each edition, courses, workshops and conferences are promoted, with more than 420 of these events having already been held.

The most important fair in the sector in South America, it is a mandatory meeting point for companies and professionals working in the sector. It is organized by Navalshore Organizacao de Eventos and has as its main partner the magazine Portos e Navios, provider of content and editorial reference for the maritime industry in Brazil, founded in 1958.

The Expo Mag is located at Avenida Paulo de Frontin, 1, Cidade Nova, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 20260-010

About Spectrum Camera Solutions:

Spectrum Camera Solutions manufactures a full range of globally certified Explosion Proof cameras to monitor any hazardous area. Founded in 2012, Spectrum Camera Solutions has an unparalleled background as a world leader in hazardous-area vision systems featuring explosion-protected cameras. Our systems help monitor process areas, security, and safety, and our innovative Explosion Proof camera housings are made from durable materials and innovative engineering to ensure operational excellence in harsh environments. Our cameras are Made In Texas and we keep models in stock that are ready to ship.

Current manufacturers offered:

About EnBra Group:

EnBra Group LLC was founded to assist US businesses enhance their presence within the Brasilian marketplace. Based in both the US and Brazil, our vision and objectives are to empower entrepreneurs and businesses to overcome challenges and achieve success. We work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and goals, allowing us to provide customized solutions that meet their unique requirements. We offer a wide range of services, and we firmly believe in a partnership relationship with our customers, where we are more than just service providers. We are committed to building a long-term collaboration, in which we act as a strategic arm of our clients’ businesses, providing ongoing support and tailored solutions to meet the ever-evolving challenges of the market. We also values ​​innovation and adaptability, and we recognize the importance of keeping pace with technological changes and emerging trends that impact the business world. Therefore, we constantly invest in training and are continually updating ourselves to ensure that our team remains at the forefront of best practices and innovative solutions.

A Navalshore é um evento essencial para empresas e profissionais da indústria marítima. Estamos entusiasmados em colaborar com a Spectrum Camera Solutions para apresentar nossa tecnologia de câmeras à prova de explosão nesta prestigiada conferência,” disse Alan Gonzaga Friar, proprietário do EnBra Group. “Convidamos todos os visitantes a se juntarem a nós em nosso estande e descobrirem os mais recentes avanços em câmeras à prova de explosão projetadas para áreas perigosas.”

Para mais informações sobre a Spectrum Camera Solutions e sua linha de câmeras à prova de explosão, visite

Sobre a Spectrum Camera Solutions:
A Spectrum Camera Solutions é um fabricante líder de câmeras à prova de explosão que monitoram áreas perigosas. Com foco na segurança e proteção, a Spectrum Camera Solutions oferece uma linha completa de câmeras certificadas globalmente, projetadas para ambientes adversos. A carcaça inovadora de suas câmeras à prova de explosão garante excelência operacional mesmo em condições extremas. A Spectrum Camera Solutions se orgulha de fabricar suas câmeras no Texas, EUA.

Sobre o EnBra Group:
A EnBra Group LLC foi fundada para apoiar empresas dos EUA e do exterior no mercado brasileiro. Com presença tanto nos EUA quanto no Brasil, o EnBra Group oferece soluções personalizadas para ajudar as empresas a superar desafios e alcançar o sucesso. Sua abordagem de parceria garante suporte contínuo e soluções sob medida para atender às demandas crescentes do mercado. A EnBra Group valoriza a inovação e a adaptabilidade, mantendo-se na vanguarda dos avanços tecnológicos para fornecer o melhor serviço possível aos seus clientes.



Aug 20 - 22 2024


1:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Expo Mag
Avenida Paulo de Frontin, 1, Cidade Nova, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 20260-010
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